Tuesday 27 February 2007

Vital Yoaks Comp

Right lets cut all the traveling bull and get down to the important stuff!

Nick and I understand that Yoaks (Hollyoaks to the ordinary soul) has a new theme tune/oppening sequence, we have tied to locate this but with no luck so please blog readers who are exceptionally bored could you try to recreate both the tune (via the use of La's and dum de dum's) and the sequence (use your literary imaginations) to help us to understand why it has evoked such reactions as "when I saw the new sequence I felt violently ill"

we are relying on you!


keith page said...

It's wonderful... I'd expected you'd pick up a new language - I just didn't realise it would be bollocks!

I love you loads dearest daughter!


Tom said...

It's amazing. The music goes:

der, dwop, dwow, der, der, dwop - just like the theme from the Cheesesticks advert, but different. In fact, imagine a mix of the music from Kalimari Desert in Maro Kart 64 with the MasterCard jingle (the "in your corner" jingle) all on a bed of sounds a bit like the old Hollyoaks Theme.

And the visuals - oh they are amazing. It's mostly zooming in on John Paul (a character so original that his surname is "McQueen", so they made him gay). Then it flies over Chester where a massive spaceship consumes that elevated section of the shopping area - the galleries or whatever. It moves on to attack more of the city before colliding with the Chester Chronicle building.

Of course, this is all really arty-looking, and throughout this mini-story that develops in the credits they also have lots of quick cuts to your favourite Hollyoaks characters - mostly Tony because no-one can believe he's still in it, Mercedes because her name is shit and Justin because he always looks like he's trying very hard to remember his next line.

Of course, as I'm making all of this up entirely, it also focuses on Kurt and, amazingly, Kurt's bird - both of them (or all three of them). At the very end of the credits you see Kurt's motorbike collide with a waterski factory.

That's about the total of it I think.

Lowsy said...

Way Hey! It took me long enough to be able to write to you! Created my own boring blog and everything! But now there is no need to miss me. Yes, Yoaks has a new theme. Cannot think of a way of recreating it without feeling physically sick. Is awful, but something you have to look forward to when you get back! Love you both X

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.