Monday 26 February 2007


We managed to leave Sante Fe city pretty damn sharpish and have been staying in a place called Rosario (birth place of Che G apparently) for the past few nights and this place is soooo much nicer, it is a little BA and time has really flown by here. Yesterday Nick and I took a boat trip not knowing where it was going having seen lots of the locals taking the same trip the previous day. We ended up on a weird beach, well river really with a little beach, it was cool. I got the chance to flash my perfectly white belly at the locals (most of whom are stupidly beautiful)but nick is looking a little on the pinky side today and the mosquito population of Argentina are really starting to take the piss now. The anti Mozzy stuff seems to have absolutely zero affect on them, they don´t touch nick but love me and I am feeling a bit of an itchy mess but I guess that is all part of the travelling experience. I am starting to realise that the Argentinian diet is dissapointingly unorriginal, consiting of pizza, pasta, grilled fish /chicken /"meat" and some reasonably un exciting salads but the ice cream is fantastic and I love the sweet pastry´s I don´t think we are going to be wasting away any time soon.

Oh and I have to take back something I said about pizzanessa (meat based pizza) this is not just a Sante Fe thing but an Argentinain thing, it does not make it any less weird though! (no wikipedia article I am afraid)

I will try to attach some pictures to this in due time once I have up loaded them. There is an amazing flag monument here, they have gone a bit crazy over it they are certainly very proud of their roots, and boy they are not going to let the whole faulklands thing go any time soon (I joke) but there really are faulklands monuments everywhere, it is not safe to be english because of this, or American because they all hate bush so I think I may start feighning canadian roots soon enough.

We are planning on going back to BA either tomorrow or the following day before heading down south to the coastal regions, Mar del Plata and Pinamar (we have heard mixed reviews of both from a fellow Brit we met on the boat yesterday but he was a bit weird and was wearing a very questionable vest and had a fifty year old´s body and a twenty year olds head, weird)so I am not too sure that he is to be trusted.

After that we are going down to one of Argentina´s national parks so that Nick can finally get some rest from me yapping on about how much I want to see penguins (I am a bit too excited about this prospect!) It sounds amazing! I think that we are both starting to realise that parts of South America are far less touristy than we expected, this is not at all a bad thing, and our spanish is being forced to improove becuse of it, but it does mean that there are not many other travellers to share advice, stories, company with, and I think we are both looking forward to heading to some of the major capitals and spots along the route in order to track down some like minded people whose butts we can whip at poker and just have a bit of a laugh with.

Oh I nearly forgt the most exciting thing of all I have clean clothes!!! wooohoooo clean freak flo is a happy mc bunny pants!


Jen Hall said...

yo yo yo Flotus and Klaustus. Glad you're having a great time. You guys will have a novel of stories after 6 months! It would appear Keith and Dad have differing views re: Nick's hair length. My opinion - too long and you'll look like Jesus, too short and you'll look like and all American frat boy. Neither are good looks. Fact.
Lots of love, you're fave big sis (I doubt Phyllis will read this so think I'm safe!)

Jen x

keith page said...

I have a solution... under no circumstances should you grow a wispy goatee beard (Nick this is). This way you can grow your hair as long as you fancy without looking like the worshipped one.

It is also worth keeping to the front of your mind the following... the more people the length of your hair annoys, the more successful you're being.

Stick with it, dear boy.