Wednesday 21 February 2007

So, that was Buenos Aires!

I´m currently sat in an internet cafe in a weird little town called Santa Fe where we arrived last night and are currently trying to escape from. Anyway, I think Flo is writing about that so I´ll leave that alone and have a little recap about Buenos Aires.

We've just finished our week in Bs As and I'll try to remember the stuff that we actually managed to get done - most of our time was spent just wandering around the city and eating but we managed to hit most of the touristy sights. What we actually did on the first day escapes me completely but if I remember then I can come back to it, but on the second day we started in cheery fashion by wandering around the fucking weird 'La Recoleta' Cemetery, in the posh area at the north of Bs As.

This is the place where all the excessively rich people of Bs As are interred and it is ridiculously huge, the place has the feel of a small town, except with more corpses, yeah, definitely more corpses. Some of the mausolea are enormous and well maintained and then just next to it you can see one which is disintegrating and being used to store cleaning materials with sweeping brushes leant against the coffins. The cemetary is also the 'resting place' of Eva Peron which really seems to attract the tourists - mmmm, famous corpse! anyway, i took a photo of the plaque but thats about as exciting as it got, for me at least!

For more photos from the trip have a look at my Flickr page.

Just down the road from our hostels (yes, we had 2 of them), was Plaza Dorrego, a small square surrounded by bars which we had been visiting on a pretty frequent basis (although not drinking that much - flo is a lightweight, she was pissed after a couple of bottles spread over 5hrs and felt VERY sorry for herself after going out for drinks with emily & co. - we nearly didn´t make our bus to santa fe which with hindsight might not have been a bad thing its that fucking weird!) anyway, back to the point, on our second to last night we were just wandering up to the square and found it full of locals doing some crazy tango shit! So we got ourselves a drink and sat and watched them for a bit and were pretty fucking impressed to be honest. I mean, obviously ive got some pretty bad ass moves myself but these guys were damn good! We took some video which ive put in for the sake of it below but you cant really see anything. but if anyone knows how to play with video and could clean it up i can pass you the non-youtubed version!

so that was cool.

Having felt a bit touristed out earlier that day we had also happened upon this:

Which we think was a communist march through Bs As but we dont really know what they were protesting, other than the obvious!

Anyway, I think I'm going to stop this recap and will probably add more in a future edit! Sorry guys!

Speak soon - missing you all!


Jonty said...

Seems that you are both having an OK time, which is great.

Glad that Flo is a good role model
for staying sober!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you've had a smart haircut

Brickies start tomorrow, but rain forecast

Nick said...

Sorry to let you down there dad but no hair cut quite yet!

I´m still living the dream!

keith page said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
keith page said...

Love the dancing, and those commi chappies love a good march - do they not.

Here's hoping you've escaped Santa Fe by the time you read this.

PS: keep the hair!

Tom said...

I'm so intrigued by the missing comment - was one of Flora's men friends declaring their love? Or one of her lady friends?

Nick said...

Tom, the mystery comment-deleter is in fact...........

...your father.

Sorry if this is a big disappointment!

Tom said...

Oh my god - my father's in love with my sister. Or with you, Nick!

This is a bit of a shock. I can see why he deleted the comment.