Wednesday 21 February 2007

Sante Fe - what the fuck!?

Apologies in advance for my apparent dyslexia I can get a first but I can´t spell, for shameeeee!
For those who are interested the nun incident occured after some zelous but accidental gesticulation on both our parts, i bumped into her and she wacked me in the face giving me a brusied lip, I must go to heaven for that surely. The flashing was reasonably common in BA as toilets/ bathrooms tend not to have locks I will leave the rest to you.

On our last day in BA we went out with Emily´s (ex house mate)Argentinian cousins and a friend of Emily´s (Andy)that she met on the plane. After a great evening experiencing Emily´s family´s cooking and amazing hospitality we went out for drinks, we discussed the fact that in England we had an unfortunate tendancy towards "binge" drinking. Emily has an amazing deaf cousin who lip reads, signs, and speaks, and her other two cousins were very sweet but they had to be up early for work in the morning so Emily left with them at about 12. After Emily left to go home with her cousins nick and I continued to drink with Andy, a fellow Brit, and I managed to get absolutely battered in a bar in Palermo, a district of BA, nick and I went back to Andy´s hostel at about 4 in the morning and returned to ours at about 5. The next day I felt shittingly aweful and we had a bus to catch which we had already paid for.

Let me just say now that We loved Buenos Aires and are seriously considering trying to go back during our 6 month jaunt. It really is lovely and genuinely "happening" ...see below. We had the pleasure of meeting lovely people, seeing amazing things like the commy rally and watching tango and drinking till 4 in the morning, people in Argentina get up late, eat late, and go home late and have a bloody good time whilst they are doing it! Brialliant!

Anyway we got to the bus station and I felt like I was going to throw up every five minutes or so which was great fun for poor nick. In the end our bus arrived and I laughed and laughed and it soon made me feel better. The bus was spectacular, huge plush seats, calf rests! (don´t want to strain those bad boys) a mini bar, food was brought round, it was stupidly nice, I think we just may have made a mistake with the class of the bus we took ahh well you live and learn...

I had decided a few days previously in my ultimate wisdom that the best place to go next would be a place called Sante Fe, the fact that Emily´s Argentinian family laughed when I told them we were going there should have warned me. The lonely planet describes Sante Fe as a "sassy little town with great nightlife" me thinks Lonely planet est talking bolocks. Let me explain...

Lonely Planet also states that this is a "happening little place". The only things "happening" in Sante Fe are, and trust me I wish I was joking, an indigenous basketry museum and lots of horses in the streets. The hotel we are in is so funny I nearly cried when we arrived, the old woman seemed to understand my spanish which was great but our room is something out of the 60´s with corregated cardboard on the walls and a fan that makes so much noise it sounds like we have a washing machine in the room. Also I don´t think the religious owners are too happy about Nick and I sharing a room especially as we have different sirnames. I am being bitten to pieces which is also fun, you have to laugh though I think we can saftely say we are the only tourists in this town. Last night Nick and I went for a pizza, I was still feeling hung over from the previous night´s alcohol based tom foolery, so we thought pizza would be a safe move, when our pizza arrived it looked a bit funny, I thought that maybe it was just a odd ciabatta style base that the topping was on NO NO NOT IN SANTE FE! here pizza comes with a base of breaded steak!!! it was the most revolting thing that either of us have had in a long time, in true flora style I got the giggles throughout the meal.

Guess what... we are leaving tomorrow. Horrah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Flo - A little disappointed with the details of your scrap with a nun. I had images of you being held in a headlock by a Robbie Coltrane sized nun in Nuns on the Run. Sorry, too many nuns and runs in that sentence.