Wednesday 28 February 2007

My new favourite team!

This is my new favourite football team for obvious reasons.

AND their nickname is 'the lepers'! it just doesnt get any better than that!


Jonty said...

Takes one to know one

Tom said...

So's your face!

God I love Scrubs.

Emz said...

Hey guys!
so sante fe was rubbish... :o)
am with you on BA loved it!
Peru has been amazing!!very different to Buenos Aires (which apparently they call the european corner of s.america)
you have to try this weird fruit called lucuma! they have lucuma ice cream which is tasty to!!
There is so much to do and see!! is spent a night on an island in lake titicaca (he he) last night and it was really cool (expect the food!)
if you are back in BA anytime before June wouldlove to cross paths again!
glad to hear you are doing well - tip for something tasty in ba is the havana cafes sell something called a habonet which is the cone dulce de leche thing! (go for the blue one)
love you both loads and loads
besos gigante!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

and of course they are called newells old boys!!