Thursday 15 February 2007

Buenos Dias de Buenos Aires

This is just a very quick post to say hello to everyone from lovely Buenos Aires! We've spent a good couple of days wandering around and I/we'll elaborate on that in a future post hopefully by which time we'll be able to upload a load of photos on a computer with at least one USB port! Anyway, made it to our hostel with no problems from the airport and arrived at about 11:30 pm to find a small band playing in the communal area which was quite a cool welcome so we sat down with a nice cool beer (about 70p for a 650ml bottle - fucking sweet!) and watched that for a bit and then turned in at about 1:30 local time having been up, plane naps aside, for almost 24hrs!

The only problem with the hostel is that our room is directly off the communal space, meaning if anyone is making an noise then we're amongst the first to know about it, oh, or if anyone rings the doorbell (which everyone has to do to get in and sounds like the first 2 notes of the screenwipe theme for those of you that know it which Flo and I are then singing for the rest of the day), and if they then open the excessively creaky door then again we heat all this!

But hey, I'm a heavy sleeper and flo now has bought some earplugs so hopefully she will be sleeping well and leaving me be!

Anyway, as I said more updates on what we've actually been doing and less pointless ramblings when I get my hands on a better computer than this Windows 98 piece of crap!

Oh, and Flo got in a fight with a nun. I'll let her explain.

peace out, word, woot and all that crap.


Tom said...

Anyone who matches up a door bell to the music on Screen Wipe is my kinda cool.

Glad you're having fun - I just went to the Hostel website, and was a bit upset that those three women on the front page weren't mentioned by you - what are they like, and what are they doing?

Thank you RSS for keeping me up to date with this.


Nick said...

The three girls are one of the free services offered by the hostel. The one on the right has a bit of a thing about yoghurt.